

Friday, September 10, 2010


    To hear a baby farting is really a rare thing encountered by the people. But you know what, if you have a little 'L' factor then you'll also go through such a COOL experience.... I said it cool because I  heared my li'l bro farting when he was just 3 months old....OMG it was a really funny n once in a life-time occurring moment for them. He was sleeping calmly on bed, n he suddenly farted ( awww so cute =) )....N guess what ????...He cried for 10 minutes as he was terrified to discover his potential of farting at such a young age ! :P

  I mean its really very very funny to hear a big booming sound coming from such a small toad..... and its cute if they do it...I mean who will give us (the grown-up's) a cute and lovely sigh when we fart ???....I guess no one... as we are bound by the social norms. But with the babies,its different....They always manage to look cute when they do this sort of things !!!..Wrapped up in blankets....rocking on
everyone's shoulder ( a free ride)....and the center of attraction as everybody peeks in for the big moment when the bundle of joy lets out a thundering thunder from their insides..... N its fun to see them smiling after they are completed with their evil-though-cute deed.. :)  We can really learn things from these tads !!!

So next time you are with a cute smiling baby, pray to get this experience !!....its really AMAZING !!!                                                       


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